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When young Uhtred never shows, they’Response forced to pry the gate up. Uhtred manages to slip under and raise the gate from inside. They proceed into the fort and kill every guard they cross. ("Folge 4.2")

Es gibt Selbstredend sogar Altverträge, die du vor langer Zeit in trockenen tüchern hast oder die du Vermutlich noch von deinen Erziehungsberechtigte hast. Entscheide nach einem späteren Zeitpunkt, Oberbürgermeister du hinter hinsichtlich bislang dahinterstehst oder jene kündigst oder einfach weiterlaufen lässt.

The fyrd will remain outside, but she has no doubt that Aegelesburg will soon be in Mercian control once again. She then orders Edward and Cenric to open the gates for Uhtred as there’s no need for conflict. ("Episode 4.8")

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Uhtred tells Finan that they’ll need silver and to get out of the woods. To do that, they’ll have to fight battles, which Uhtred feels he is no longer equipped to do.

He tells Uhtred to make a choice: either accept his punishment or allow his friends to kill each other. Uhtred hands his weapons off to Finan and Sihtric and informs Steapa that he will come peacefully to the king. When Alfred refuses Uhtred's term, Uhtred is forced to fight his way out. Uhtred makes it outside the wall, where he reconvenes with Finan and Sihtric and rides off to Dunholm. ("Folge 3.2")

Finan, Uhtred, and Osferth find Odda drunk at the pub. As they put him in bed, he drunkenly shares with them his plan to raise the Devonshire fyrd against the king’s wishes.

Sverri arrives ashore looking for Jonis. He is intercepted by Sven. He’s come looking for Uhtred and picks him out of the crowd of slaves. He gives Uhtred a sword to battle to the death. Finan tries to intervene as Uhtred is too weak but he is knocked back.

They Zusammenstellung fire to the fortress to cause a distraction. They rush into the hall and kill the guards and free Æthelflækreisdurchmesser. Sigefrid breaks the barricade and enters the hall.

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Uhtred returns to camp. He tells young Uhtred to quit his praying, but he persists in honor of Beocca. Uhtred calls his son’s God unto question; asking where was his mercy when Beocca needed it. Young Uhtred explains that it’s not his God that Uhtred hates, but the fact that young Uhtred is not his father. Finan checks on young Uhtred, who suspects that his father doesn’t want him. Finan explains that Uhtred website is a warrior and it was his Stellenausschreibung to save young Uhtred, and he could not, and that’s what eats at him.

Cnut informs Uhtred and Finan that he has an army of 200 men though he’s not sure where they are headed next. Though, if Wessex is undefended, Cnut is considering heading south. Uhtred is not fond of the name Dane-Slayer and tells Cnut to stop referring to him as such.

Finan, Uhtred, and Osferth remain hidden rein the nearby woods as the Danes arrive at the village. Sihtric finds them hidden among the trees and gives Uhtred a hug. As it turns out, they staged the entire fight rein order for Sihtric to infiltrate the Danes. Sihtric informs them that Bloodhair is dead and only Hæsten remains at the camp. Bloodhair welches killed by Skade, World health organization knows of Uhtred’s promise to shadow walk, but there are too many guards.

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